What is Co-dependency or being Lovesick?

Co-dependency is emotional illness. When paired with depression lasting more than 2 weeks and/or anxiety which alters the way you live & work by accomodation/medication, told is mental illness. Co-dependents or Highly Sensitive People attract abusers. People who are highly empathetic, try to rescue others and do not care enough for themselves. To survive, everyone needs some narcissism but Co-Dependents don’t have enough. A narcissist will demand that you give up everything to be their nothing. Co-dependents have difficulty walking away from this abuse because it may be all they have ever known since childhood. People will not always tell you how they feel about you, but they will always show you. If a Narcissist can’t control you, the punishment will be swift. Abusers can spot Co-dependents . Highly sensitive people are people pleasers. Co-dependents think that abusers can change and may even feel sorry for them. Co-dependents blame themselves for others bad behavior and Narcissists play the victim well. Abusers always say they are the victim of someone or something. Might sound odd, but realize you may have a problem if you can’t take the last piece of pizza. See this short video on recognizing Narcissistic abuse.
