Bullies at Work

Both Narcissists and Sociopaths show up in all lines of work. Sociopaths are narcissistic but not all Narcissists are Sociopaths. Meetings & office parties like a Narcissist since they keep the conversation going, they’re loud. They talk about themselves & like to use mute during conference calls to control conversation. Narcs are unaware how their unintentional bullying is effecting others, so relationships end badly. Narcs feel like a victim at work when actions aren’t appreciated due to their poor emotional skills. A Sociopath wants to win at work, so they are cunning and long game strategic. A Sociopath may exclude a target from a meeting. Use manipulation to get out of work, lie and thwart others to get what they want at work. Sociopaths are aware of their desire to have power and win over others. See Dr. Ramani Medcircle.com video on the difference.